
Rocketbook Fusion Reusable Digital Notebook - Smart Notepad A4 Teal, 7 Styles, To Do List, Daily Journal, Weekly & Monthly Planner with Frixion Erasable Pen, Office Gadget Reduces Paper Waste

  • THE ULTIMATE PRODUCTIVITY PLANNER 42 reusable pages with 7 different page styles for planning, listing, goal setting, note-taking, sketching, and sharing big ideas
  • INFINITELY REUSABLE No more wasting paper - this smart notepad can be used endlessly by wiping clean with a damp cloth. Use your personal organiser over and over.
  • DIGITALISE YOUR NOTES Upload notes to Google Docs, Dropbox, iCloud, Evernote, email and more. No more wasting paper.
  • 7 PAGE TYPES TO USE Includes Task list, Weekly planner (Daily planner), Monthly calendar, OKR goal template, Idea list, plus standard Dot-grid and Lined pages
  • PRESET CLOUD LOCATIONS Shade one of 7 icons at the bottom of each page to auto send to a location of your choice. Never take photos and upload manually again

Color: ‎Teal

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9 reviews
Steve Burwin
This is an extremely unique product—one that I didn't even know existed until I stumbled across it by accident. In terms of personal productivity, the Rocketbook Fusion has taken things to the next level. While I don't have a massive problem with taking notes on traditional paper, I mainly bought this for its reusable weekly calendar. I use the first couple of pages to plan my weeks, detailing exactly what I'm going to do each day. This method has been incredibly effective for my productivity. Rather than maintaining one big to-do list, I can now break it down into daily action plans, making it more likely that tasks will get done on the specified day. Pros: Reusable Weekly Calendar: The reusable weekly calendar is phenomenal for planning my weeks. It helps break down a lengthy to-do list into manageable daily tasks. Comprehensive Features: The Rocketbook Fusion comes with a pen and a cloth for wiping off notes. The wipe-off feature might seem strange at first, but it becomes very intuitive after a few uses. Versatile Pages: The book includes various pages, such as a project planner, which I've found extremely useful. It offers lots of pages that I've used extensively for different purposes. Easy Setup: Although I don't use the entire Rocketbook ecosystem, the process of taking photos of notes and storing them digitally is straightforward and easy to set up. Cons: Price: The product is quite expensive, especially if you're primarily using it for the calendar pages. However, even for that purpose alone, it has paid off in terms of productivity dividends. In summary, I highly recommend the Rocketbook Fusion to anyone who needs a reusable note-taking system. It has been an invaluable tool for planning and productivity.
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Michael Day
I LOVE this notebook. I bought it on a bit of a whim after a friend recommend it and I'm so glad I did. I've had it for about a year now and it honestly looks the same now as the day I bought it. The pages are really sturdy, not easy to rip, and clean off the pen without an issue. Theres no really smudging, stains, or marks after you've used it a few times either. The app works great with it too and it was easy to set up all the triggers from the icons on the bottom such as emailing the notes to me, storing them in google drive, etc. You can also get creative too with tools like Zapier if you're a bit of a geek. The book has a book mix of lined and dotted pages as well as a few planner style pages at the front. I use mine for a mix of meal prepping, taking notes at work, drafting out designs, and making lists. the pens are not as pricey as expected and you can get them easily here on amazon in a variety of colours. Would recommend as I've not bought a normal notebook since getting this one!
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Great idea to reduce paper wastage. Very lightweight. I bought it to do my 'Morning Pages' as part of my daily Creative Writing course exercise. I'm never going to re-read the word vomit I put on the paper in the mornings, so I was planning to get a paper shredder to make my life easier. This works even better. Much more eco-friendly. Wipes away beautifully. Faint white lines can be seen once you erase, but only if you really look for it. I imagine any words would become indistinguishable as you continue to write and erase over the top. Not a deal breaker. Feels weird to write without the friction of real paper, and I didn't enjoy it very much at first. Now I've gotten used to it and love it. Bit expensive, I only wish it came with a pen holder as I don't want to damage it.
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J. Proctor
I'd been looking at getting a Rocketbook for a while before it came up as a Treasure Truck Deal of the Day, so because there was a bit of money off that was my prompt to buy. And yes, I'm glad I did. I have the app on my phone but haven't needed to use it yet and at the moment I'm using my Rocketbook to write my work shifts on the Calendar page and to make notes on a medical condition I have, but Rocketbook could be used for just about anything you want. It comes with a microfibre cloth that you only need to dampen to erase what you've written on one of the pages. It also comes with a black Pilot Frixion ball pen and the ink of these pens is easy to erase with the dampened microfibre cloth. If you need the pens in a different colour there are multicolour sets available depending on how many you want and how much you want to pay (do check. Prices vary and it *has* to be these specific Pilot pens. I think they are sometimes available in a fairly easily accessible high street stationers but you need to check first - the one with the blue banner and name beginning WH, but I've always seen them available on Amazon when I've looked). As for who this item will be useful for, that would be just about anyone from school-age people to ones with their own home offices and yes, it's a very versatile thing. I'm considering getting a set of the coloured pens to create multi-coloured pictures because of the eraseability of the ink - which is immensely handy! I would definitely recommend this to anyone toying with the idea of getting one, they are really very handy. They are available in other sizes than A4 if it's one in a different size you need. I would say they probably weigh less than an ordinary paper notebook and of course infinitely more gentle on the environment than paper notebooks. Shark Tank were really silly to have turned down Rocketbook, especially in these days of greater environmental safeguarding because to me it makes good environmental sense to use products such as smart notebooks such as these. Now how other similar smart notebooks compare to Rocketbook I don't know and are unable to compare as the Rocketbook is the only one I have (but to be honest, I haven't looked at what other ones similar are available because I don't need to), but I do highly recommend Rocketbook. It looks good and is as easy to use as any other notebook but with the ability to erase your notes with the cloth provided and the app makes it immensely more useful. You will only be limited by your own imagination.
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Ana Cris Morales
Es como tener un pizarrón infinito. Puedes tomar notas desechables y borrarlas sin problema cuando no las necesites más. A mi me encantó👌🏼
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Me encantó. Lo estoy usando para las juntas del trabajo y ha resultado genial. Se vinculó bien a OneNote y a mi correo personal. Ya no perderé notas.
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Para quem quer utilizar o caderno no dia a dia, para fazer suas anotações, sem o uso constante, ele é incrível. Mas, para quem quer usá-lo todos os dias, é necessário ter mais cuidados. Eu comprei o Rocketbook vai fazer um ano, com o intuito de estudar e escrever nele todos os dias, e há alguns detalhes que gostaria de destacar: Se você usar a parte de fricção da caneta para apagar no papel, a folha pode ficar mais difícil de ser reutilizada. Na segunda vez que você tentar escrever na mesma página, a tinta não vai sair como da primeira vez, na parte em que você usou a borracha da caneta. Bom, eu percebi isso, então comecei a borrifar um pouco de água diretamente na folha e depois esperava secar para reutilizar, mas não adiantou. A folha, depois de um tempo, vai ficando mais difícil de escrever, mesmo com tinta na caneta. Então, comecei a borrifar água no pano, e não diretamente na folha. Isso ajuda muito a manter a qualidade da folha, mas, independente do método de limpeza, a folha vai se desgastando. As folhas vão se desgastando porque eu sempre gostava de usar as mesmas. Então, quando for utilizar, sempre tente alternar as páginas, evite usar as mesmas para prolongar a vida útil do caderno. Também, sempre mantenha o seu caderno limpo. Não deixe a tinta da caneta na folha por muitos dias, pois isso pode deixar a folha manchada. Sobre a caneta, quando você comprar o caderno, já virá com uma. Mas, como qualquer outra caneta, essa também acaba. A diferença é que você não vai encontrar em qualquer lugar. Eu moro em uma região muito próxima de tudo, e não encontrei em nenhuma papelaria, só consegui achar no shopping ou online. Ela é mais cara do que uma convencional. Por exemplo: uma caneta esferográfica comum custa em torno de R$1,50, enquanto a caneta Pilot Frixion custa em torno de R$20,00. Aconselho você a usar somente a Pilot Frixion no Rocketbook, pois outros tipos de caneta podem danificar o papel. Em torno de 1 ano, comprei 8 canetas Pilot Frixion. Também vendem o refil, mas não consegui encontrar um lugar para comprar. Já vi gringos utilizando canetas permanentes nele, para ficar com um padrão personalizado na hora da digitalização; isso também funciona! Sobre a escrita, não faça muita força com a caneta, utilize-a suavemente. A tinta dela é de boa qualidade, não precisa de tanta força, até porque, se usar com força, pode danificar a folha. Eu não achei muito diferente do papel comum, você se acostuma rápido a escrever nele. Bom, a consideração final é que é um excelente caderno. Ele é mais caro, mas vale o investimento! Já digitalizei diversas coisas nele, e a premissa é que ele seja "infinito", mas o termo mais adequado seria "duradouro". Nada é para sempre. Ele dura mais que um caderno comum com certeza, e, se você cuidar bem dele, pode utilizá-lo por anos, mesmo usando todos os dias. Eu estava em dúvida entre um caderno inteligente ou um tablet. Comprei esse caderno porque, para mim, a retenção de conhecimento escrevendo no papel é melhor do que em uma tela, e, claro, ele é mais "barato" que um tablet. Pesquise bem antes de comprar, talvez você prefira um tablet, que tem muitas vantagens, ou prefira o papel, mas de uma forma mais moderna, que permita digitalizar e armazenar na nuvem. O Rocketbook é uma boa opção para isso.
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Es de buenos materiales, aunque lo he utilizado poco, cumple con sus especificaciones. Es algo raro el proceso de escanear y luego guardar, pero una vez ya acostumbrados, creo que se pueden ahorrar varias hojas de papel.
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Veinlite Mexico
Es una excelente libreta reutilizable que combina la escritura en papel tradicional con un innovador diseño y tecnología con alcances ecológicos. Altamente recomendable para quien desea la experiencia de escritura convencional en papel, y la opción de digitalizar lo escrito. Si el precio no es un factor determinante, la compra es una buena decisión. Opinión sobre el producto y la aplicación para celular: PROS +Alta calidad de materiales +Diseño elegante, simple, durable y moderno. +Ligera +La tinta tarda en secar un poco más de lo que dice el fabricante (más de 16 seg en ocasiones). Esto puede no ser problema si se acostumbra a escribir con cuidado, dando oportunidad al secado de la tinta. +La Aplicación para el celular es simple de usar, y fácil de manejar. Y permite muchas alternativas para almacenar los documentos digitalizados. CONS -El precio puede ser un poco más de lo razonable. -Es recomendable borrar el contenido de las hojas antes de 30 días, aproximadamente, ya que pude dejar un leve trazo/marca al borar y parece ya no quitarse del todo. -Los bolígrafos de punta 0.7 pueden dar un trazo grueso algunas veces (depende del color de la tinta) que dificulta la escritura si se tiene letra pequeña. Es mejor usar 0.5, aunque esta medida sea la menos común y no siempre haya el mismo abanico de opciones (recargables, colores, tipos de bolígrafo, etc.) que con los de punta 0.7. La tinta, en sus distintos colores, no produce el mismo grosor del trazo (independientemente si se trata punta 0.7 o 0.5). Esto es digno de tomarse muy en cuenta si se hacen trazos pequeños o se tiene una escritura de letra pequeña. Tampoco tienen los mismos tiempos de secado de tinta los colores que se han probado (negro, azul, rojo, y verde). EVEN * Esto puede no ser algo negativo, más bien es razonable por el tipo de material del que están hechas las hojas, pero estas no deben doblarse, ni escribir en ella con otra tinta que no sea la que recomienda Rocketbook. Es necesario y deseable que se evite rayar/escribir/manchar las hojas con cualquier sustancia que no sea la tinta recomenada porque quedan manchas que pueden no quitarse. * Para que funcione el OCR apropiadamente, es necesario que la escritura sea con una letra legible y clara. De preferencia tipo script.
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  • Manufacturer ‎Rocketbook
  • Model Number ‎EVRF-L-K-CCE
  • Product Dimensions ‎27.94 x 21.59 x 1.27 cm; 299 g
  • Colour ‎Teal
  • Cover Material ‎Vinyl
  • Material Type ‎microfiber
  • Number of Items ‎1
  • Size ‎Letter A4
  • Ruling ‎Ruled
  • Sheet Size ‎A4
  • Paper Finish ‎Specially Coated
  • Manufacturer Part Number ‎EVRF-L-K-CCE
  • Item Weight ‎299 g
  • Customer Reviews 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 37,112 ratings 4.3 out of 5 stars
  • Best Sellers Rank 1,428 in Stationery & Office Supplies (See Top 100 in Stationery & Office Supplies) 30 in Wirebound Notebooks
  • Date First Available 23 Oct. 2019
  • Colour Teal
  • Theme Book
  • Sheet size A4
  • Pages 42
  • Cover material Vinyl
  • Style Notebook
  • Ruling type Ruled
  • Special feature Reusable with Cloud Syncing Capability
  • Number of items 1